
Filing Rules – Alphabetical Filing: A Comprehensive Guide

Posted by Karl Kneissel ,Jun 03, 2024
Filing Rules – Alphabetical Filing: A Comprehensive Guide

Comprehensive Guide to Alphabetical Filing Rules

Efficient filing is crucial for any organization to quickly retrieve information when needed. To achieve this, a set of consistent rules must be followed. Here's a breakdown of the key procedures involved in alphabetic filing:

Steps for Alphabetic Filing:

  1. Inspecting: Review the document to understand its content and relevance.
  2. Indexing: Determine the primary filing element (e.g., name, subject) that will be used to locate the document.
  3. Coding: Mark the document with the chosen indexing information.
  4. Cross-Referencing: Create references for documents that could be filed under multiple categories.
  5. Sorting: Arrange documents in alphabetical order based on the indexed information.
  6. Storing: Place the documents in the appropriate storage location.

Understanding Business Needs

Different businesses have varied requirements for information retrieval, so there isn't a one-size-fits-all set of rules for alphabetic filing. The goals and needs of each business will dictate their specific filing system.

Standard Filing Systems

To help businesses establish a robust filing system, ARMA International has published guidelines in "Establishing Alphabetic, Numeric, and Subject Filing Systems." By following these standard rules, organizations can set up an efficient alphabetic storage system tailored to their needs.

Consistency is Key

Filing procedures can differ not only between organizations but also within different departments of the same organization. Therefore, it is crucial for each office to:

  • Determine: Decide on the specific filing procedures that meet their needs.
  • Record: Document these procedures clearly.
  • Approve: Ensure the procedures are formally approved.
  • Follow: Adhere strictly to the documented procedures without deviation.

Without written rules, filing procedures can change over time due to personnel changes and inconsistent verbal instructions. Consistency in following established procedures is vital to ensure records can be located quickly and efficiently.

The Ultimate Test

The effectiveness of any records storage system is measured by how quickly and accurately records can be retrieved. Establishing and adhering to a well-defined set of alphabetic filing rules will significantly enhance the efficiency and reliability of your information retrieval process.